Testimonials and Success
At TFI Arrowhead we can design a workout program to fit many different needs. Looking to lose some extra pounds? Training for a school sport? Need assistance keeping healthy in your older years? We have helped many clients obtain their health goals over the years. Just a few of those examples can be found on this page.
I first encountered the idea of a “personal trainer” in 2013, when I met Greg Treviso, owner of The Fitness Institute through the Glendale Chamber of Commerce. I had previously had gym memberships, was reasonably active, and still working. I really had little concept of what a “personal trainer” did, but the offer was a free evaluation and a look around the facility, to which I accepted.
Upon arrival, we took some measurements, did a “body composition analysis” via a machine which looked suspiciously like a weight scale, and discussed health in general, possible goals and diet. The facility looked like a smaller version of the gyms I had joined previously, free weights, weight machines and cardio machines (stationary bikes and a treadmill, plus an elliptical machine). We agreed I would try out one session, and see how things went.
At the beginning of that first session, I was given a booklet, especially prepared for me, individually, regarding diet and healthy nutrition. At that time, I had no interest in following a diet or altering how I was eating. The exercises were similar to what I had done on my own, but Greg wrote down the exercise, weight and number of repetitions. One thing I noticed immediately was that there was no competition for a specific machine or exercise. My workout routine was designed for 30 minutes, and it went smoothly through all of the indicated stations. Greg took my feedback into account – too light, too heavy, slight pain in this joint, previous injury, etc. When working out on my own, it was too easy to skip or put off an exercise that I did not like, though it may be needed. Conversely, once started, it was hard to stop or change if I encountered a little pain. The constant attention and feedback from my personal trainer immediately made a difference in the quality of my workout, so those 30 minutes with a trainer became more effective than my previous self-monitored hour or more in a gym.
Fast forward now for nine years! Here is what I have learned: The accountability afforded by a personal trainer is one of the most important aspects of the overall training program. Someone has you scheduled and is expecting you to show up and make the effort to become and stay healthy. I find it too easy to procrastinate about my work out, if left up to me: “I’ll do it later, because I’m doing this now.” Later: “I’m too tired, I’ll start again tomorrow.” Excuse after excuse pile up and the workout does not happen. Being accountable to someone eliminates the easy way out! The personal trainer tracks progress, within the work out, on the scales, and within the diet, if you choose to include that. They offer insight on other aspects of healthy living, exercise and diet, as well, not just limited to the time in the gym. Having an outside view is valuable, as they may see aspects one would overlook, and bring these points to light. The personal trainer works with you, for you, to accomplish your goals. They set challenges for you that are reasonable and attainable, and encourage you to better health and performance. You have to be willing to listen and dialogue, and put forth the effort your trainer knows you are capable of. One of the sayings is that the hardest part of the work out is opening the front door. Once inside, you and your trainer strive for better physical performance and holistic improvement.
In summary, I use a personal trainer because of the accountability, tracking, and their ability to encourage me to reach closer to my potential, while keeping me safe. Their holistic approach to health and life makes the experience a pleasure, even though it may present challenges. Not only am I “optimizing my fitness,” I am optimizing my entire life, through better fitness and recognizing how I am able to meet and conquer challenges that may occur.
I would advise anyone who wants to feel and look better to try a personal training session at the Fitness Institute.
My name is Darlene Marron, and my quest for fitness began with a beautiful 12 lb. Havanese puppy named Hannah. I live in New Jersey, also have a home in Phoenix, and regularly fly back and forth, always with my dog in tow. In 2001, as I was hurrying to the departure gate at Liberty Airport in Newark, I began to wonder where my upper body strength had gone! My dog seemed so heavy that I had to frequently stop, put her down, rest my arm, and start again.
My very athletic sister, who lives in Phoenix, listened to my lament over and over about how weak I was becoming. So she took action and kick-started me on the road to a better and healthier lifestyle. She frequently listens to Lance Dreher, “Dr. Fitness”, on the radio and decided a personal training session at the Fitness Institute would be a good gift to launch me on the path to getting stronger. She arranged for a session with Greg Treviso, and so it began.
It’s now 2012 and I’m still working with Greg or one of his many outstanding trainers whenever I’m in Phoenix. I can truthfully say the results have been so worth the effort I’ve put in. The gym environment is always cordial and inviting, and workouts there are actually fun. The trainer’s coaching, inventive sessions, and continual motivation, have made me stronger, more flexible and fitter than I’ve ever been.
Fitness is a mental as well as physical commitment and requires a lifestyle change. I would advise anyone who wants to feel and look better to try a personal training session at the Fitness Institute. Like me, you’ll always go back for more because the program works!

I am happy to say, with Greg Treviso’s supervision, sense of humor and friendship, I am achieving my goals.
I came to The Fitness Institute just a little over a year ago after losing 75lbs the wrong way.(Diet pills and not eating correctly to fuel my body). I lost muscle and had no stamina.
My new fitness goal was to eat right, lose inches, gain muscle and stamina. I’ve always wanted to be a body builder. And, I know, DREAMS DO COME TRUE!
I am happy to say, with Greg Treviso’s supervision, sense of humor and friendship, I am achieving my goals.
I’ve lost 8 more pounds, lost several inches, gained great stamina and have defined muscles.
I say ” Yipee! I’m excited! Life is good!”
Thank you Greg!

What a difference it makes to have an expert guide me and understand what it is I need to work on.
A few years ago I went to the Fitness Institute for the first time to see if I could get in better shape. Greg was my personal trainer. He got me motivated, taught me about the kind of nutrition that keeps me fit and set up a workout program that got me in shape. The personal attention made the difference for me. I found it easy to keep on track with my goals. I lost weight and toned up at the same time.
Recently I was starting to get out of shape. My motivation to exercise got to a pretty low level. I came back to the Fitness Institute. I have been working with Greg for a few weeks now. What a difference it makes to have an expert guide me and understand what it is I need to work on. This time Greg is teaching me about weight training as he gets me to do the exercises. It has been great to work with Greg again the last few weeks. I can see that it is starting to pay off already. I am toning up fast and am looking forward to working out again.
I recommend The Fitness Institute to anyone that wants to get back into shape but has been finding it hard to get started. The personal attention and specialized training program makes getting results quick and easy. And the best part is it is really motivating and the rewards of feeling fit are priceless.
I not only have lost weight but have improved my over all health. My RA is much improved and my medications have been reduced.
I have been going to the Fitness Institute at Arrowhead for about a year. It was and is the best decision I ever made for myself. I not only have lost weight but have improved my over all health. My RA is much improved and my medications have been reduced. Although I was a fitness rookie Greg my trainer has really wiped me into shape and I can now hold my own with the others of my age group. They all are very supportive and committed to helping you reach your individual goals. Make an investment in your self and check them out. You will be glad you did.
I signed up looking for a sport specific workout and received much more.
Big thanks to the Fitness Institute for providing me with a great diet and exercise plan! I signed up looking for a sport specific workout and received much more. Greg has custom tailored my workouts to increase my endurance, power, overall strength, and even drop a couple pounds. I was provided with an effective diet and Greg taught me correct nutrition. Its easy to stick with the program as he makes you accountable for reaching your goals. The fitness institute is a great place to go and train!

I am in much better shape and my stamina and bone strength have improved…
I started with Fitness Institute primarily for strength-training; for 10 years I had sat long hours while working and was not in good shape. The orthopedist said I was due for a hip operation before long, so it seemed that it was now or never.
And the NOW is terrific! I am in much better shape and my stamina and bone strength have improved to the point where I went on a trip to Turkey which involved strenuous walking and hiking. The orthopedist gave his blessing when he saw the improvement.
Losing weight was not my primary goal-although I really needed to drop some pounds! So it was a wonderful bonus to steadily lose weight-30 pounds by the end of a year and that weight loss has been maintained. I have never felt deprived; the program just made me aware of what I was eating and how much.
Several years ago I tried using weights on my own and suffered consequences from using them incorrectly. Now I am monitored and can’t lapse into bad habits, plus having a commitment keeps me from backsliding and finding excuses to put off exercising.
Primarily it has been Greg who has worked with me and I appreciate his expertise and concern, however all the staff have been most congenial and helpful. So for an 80-year old, I’m feeling fine!

In addition, I was able to decrease my arthritis medication and now have more energy. Thank you TFI for helping my quality of life.
Twenty years ago I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Since that time I have had four major surgeries including hip replacement, shoulder replacement and hand / foot surgeries which were the direct result of the arthritis. Over the years, periodic arthritic flare-ups would come and go. The illness sapped my energy levels to the point that getting through the day was a challenge to say the least.
After years of this taking its toll on me, my spouse convinced me to go for a consultation at The Fitness Institute (TFI) which was the beginning of my commitment to a life-style change – not just a few months.
TFI developed an exercise / nutrition program specifically for me. The 1-on-1 training worked around my Rheumatoid Arthritis limitations while still building up my strength and muscle tone. Its been two years and I feel so much better; I owe much of this credit to my TFI trainer who kept me both challenged and encouraged. Since I started at TFI, my blood chemistry has improved greatly: the most dramatic was the lowering of my cholesterol without medication. In addition, I was able to decrease my arthritis medication and now have more energy. Thank you TFI for helping my quality of life.

The Fitness Institute Arrowhead has shown me that people can take control of their own lives without surgeries, medications, and achieve health naturally.
My name is Marlowe. I began my weight loss with The Fitness Institute Arrowhead 3 years ago. I was referred to The Fitness Institute Arrowhead by my physician as a last attempt before he was to submit me as a gastric bypass patient. At the time, I was weighing 450 lbs and 51% body fat. I was on medications to control blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and on the verge of becoming a diabetic. I met with The Fitness Institute and they implemented a nutritional and exercise program that was progressive and easy to follow. The weight began to reduce immediately and energy levels went up. The trainers keep me accountable on nutrition and exercise each time I come in to make sure I am on track. I currently weigh 245 lbs and I have reduced my body fat to 18%. I have eliminated my medications that I was on that were controlling my lipid profiles. The Fitness Institute Arrowhead has shown me that people can take control of their own lives without surgeries, medications, and achieve health naturally when it comes to obesity.

Today I have lost 81 lbs and my current weight is 195 pounds. I thank everyone at TFI for working with me and for caring.
I began my journey with The Fitness Institute while I was losing my battle with obesity. I weighed in at 276 lbs at the age of 18 and was heading down a path of self destruction. I had tried to no avail to lose weight and get healthy on my own but had been very unsuccessful, and no longer believed it was possible for me to lose weight. Upon stepping into TFI, I knew there was something different here. It was very obvious to me that they cared about the people they worked with and wanted to help me change, and change I did. I was educated on what foods are healthy/ not healthy and they had done something no one else could, they motivated me to change. They have helped me become someone I am proud of, but I never thought I could be. They have given me the necessary tools for me to maintain a healthy life. Today I have lost 81 lbs and my current weight is 195 pounds. I thank everyone at TFI for working with me and for caring. I am truly a better person because of my experience with TFI.

I’ve been with The Fitness Institute for about 2 years, I feel great and I’ve met a lot of great people
Once my divorce was final – the party was on, I was eating fast foods and spending way too much time in the bars. I had a desk job with very little physical activities.
One day at the age of 49 I noticed myself weighing about 220lbs. my body fat was 25% and my blood pressure was about 180/140. My doctor had a fit and was planning to put me on blood pressure medications. Something had to change. Shortly thereafter I received a flyer in the mail from The Fitness Institute. I went down and talked to Greg Treviso, we did an analysis of weight, body fat and lifestyle. Anyway to make a long story short, I made the commitment thru a nutritional program that TFI recommended and an exercise program 3 days a week.
My blood pressure is 120/75, my body fat is 12% and I weigh about 180lbs. I’ve been with The Fitness Institute for about 2 years, I feel great and I’ve met a lot of great people and the one-on-one training is great. It takes a commitment but it had been well worth the effort.

Even on days where I feel sluggish, having Greg there to push me through the rut has been priceless
I’ve always been a little heavier, but a few years ago I hit my peak. I was 22 at the time and was in the worst shape of my life. I was up to around 250lbs and I basically felt like crap. I had the ultimate sedentary lifestyle because I started my company that year and worked from home on a computer for nearly 15 hours a day. When I wasn’t sitting at the computer I was with my friends or girlfriend, and that pretty much meant there was going to be some food involved with some more sitting. (Movie perhaps?) I had constant acid reflux, no energy, and just generally wasn’t happy with myself.
My mom had been going to TFI and working out with Greg for awhile and had nothing but good things to say. I knew that I really needed someone that could show me the ropes, and keep me accountable. I had started workout routines and diets in the past that were moderately successful, but I was never disciplined enough to really make a lasting difference. This time I was pretty determined to make it happen.
I started at TFI with Greg in December of 2004, I quickly learned the suggested diet, the reasons that it works, and tried to hold true to it as much as I could. Over the years, my workout program has constantly changed and progressed and have always felt I am being pushed at an appropriate level. Even on days where I feel sluggish, having Greg there to push me through the rut has been priceless. The value of having a personal trainer has come into play many times over the years. For me personally, working from a home office, the likelihood of me jumping up to go sweat on my own is probably slim to none on a consistent basis. Sure I had done it in the past, but being accountable for showing up for appointments, tracking weight, and just the enjoyable nature of a good workout, it has allowed me to be consistent for nearly 3 ½ years now.
Now for the stats, when I started in 2004, the first recorded weight was 237.2 Lbs and about 31% body fat. (I had started dieting prior to starting TFI) My lowest point over that time was around 190 Lbs and 11% body fat. I’ve gained about 16 Lbs of lean muscle and lost nearly 50 Lbs of fat. Now that I am more in tune with my body and how eating certain things effects it, the acid reflux is completely gone, I feel much more energetic, and most importantly, I can keep myself in the weight range that I desire with minimal effort.

The relaxed, family like environment is unique. Everyone is friendly and clients encourage each other to succeed.
I began training at the Fitness Institute Arrowhead in 2007. I was a stay-at- home dad and training for a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Greg developed a program that not only prepared me for my test but helped me overcome the pounds I had gained from bad eating habits. The relaxed, family like environment is unique. Everyone is friendly and clients encourage each other to succeed. In the past four years I have been so inspired that I am now a Certified Fitness Trainer working at The Fitness institute hoping to pay forward the benefits I have received.

After 8 months, I have lost 46 lbs, doubled my strength and I feel great.
In October of 2004 I decided to try an eight session program with The Fitness Institute of Arrowhead. They designed a physical training program for me, considering my age, 72, and weight, (overweight) and a diet designed for my body type and situation, which took me about two weeks to adjust to, but easy. My personal trainer, Greg Treviso, gave me the structure, personal attention and encouragement that I needed. After 8 months, I have lost 46 lbs, doubled my strength and I feel great. I have more to go and I actually look forward to going to the gym for my personal workout. I highly recommend their programs.
I feel stronger and more balanced allowing me to want more out of myself, pushing myself for more, no matter what people said I couldn’t do.
Hello, this is Gregory Hedges, age 16. I was only 13 when I was diagnosed with brain cancer. The surgery left me unbalanced and weak. After a few months of recovery I started at The Fitness Institute with Greg. At first, progress was slow, but after a few weeks I started feeling better with the routines I was given. Eventually I got well enough that Greg decided that he didn’t need to watch over me as much. This gave me a great feeling of accomplishment; I felt that there was a light at the end of that long tunnel of depression. I’ve been with The Fitness Institute for over a year now and I feel stronger and more balanced, allowing me to want more out of myself, pushing myself for more, no matter what people said I couldn’t do. I get this feeling that I know I never could’ve gotten if it wasn’t for The Fitness Institute, and all its amiable, trustworthy employees.